Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Shakespeare Reading Challenge

This is the last one for real! I could not resist joining my third (and final) challenge. Someday I hope to be able to work for a Shakespeare festival or institute; therefore, this challenge was a no-brainer. I absolutely had to give it a try and brush up on my Shakespeare. I wish I could time travel back to my sophomore year of college so that I could take my Shakespeare course more seriously. One could study Shakespeare for a lifetime and still have more to learn.

Here are the rules from http://shakespearereadingchallenge.blogspot.com/

Welcome to the 2011 Shakespeare Reading Challenge! 

First off, the Levels:

1. Puck: Read 4 plays over the year, 1 of which may be replaced by a performance
2. Desdemona: Read 6 plays, 2 of which may be replaced by a performance
3. Henry V: Read 12 plays, 3 of which may be replaced by a performance

Now, the Rules:

1. All plays must be read between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2011. Anything begun before that cannot be included.
2. Audio versions are also acceptable but all plays must be unabridged.
3. You don't need to list your plays ahead of time but you may, if you'd like. 
4. Review pages for each month will be created but are optional.

My Goal: Desdemona

My Tentative Reading List:

1. A Midsummer Night's Dream
2. As You Like It
3. The Tempest
4. Love's Labour's Lost
5. Much Ado About Nothing
6. Measure for Measure

Last year I read: Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, & Othello. Enough tragedy for now!

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the challenge! I hope you enjoy your comedies!
